Starting from Gyland school, turn right towards Grøtteland and then first left onto the gravel road up the valley. After 3 km turn left onto the asphalt road, and after 400 m turn right up the valley. This road is followed for 8.3 km along the river to Urdal, past Urddalsvatnet and up to Fv42. Here you turn left and follow the county road 1,6 km before entering the gravel road towards Laugstøl. After less than 3 km you enter the main road again, as you follow down the valley. After 4 km, at the bottom of the hill at Heggland, turn right towards Nuland. Here you pass the railway, Nulandsvatnet and Fedogvatnet in slaughter downhill to Råna bru. Here you turn left along Kongevollvatnet and back to Gyland school.
If you want to take the round on the asphalt road, you can follow the green endorsements on the map. The one from Kongevoll and up to the crossing towards Gyland Gard, the other on Fv42, continue straight to the junction at Sandvatn instead of approaching Laugstøl. The round will then be 33.6 km.
Rating: Demanding
Length: 30 km on less-traveled roads.
Increase: Approx. 600 m