This is a great trip in the vicinity to Tonstad. Together, there is a 5.1 km round trip, but you can as well share in three stages: Bjønndalen, Trodledalen and from Øyghedlar to Bjønndalen by Smihedlar. There will be some increase if one takes the whole trip. There are good signs along the entire route.
From the parking lot in Bekkjedalen you can go on several forest roads and trail through Bjønndalen to Storemyr. From here it is a short distance down to the car road at Tjomlid.
From Storemyr you continue down Trodledalen to Øyghedlar. Here you go through a narrower valley in close contact with nature. This part is on the path, but apart from a steep cliff it is easy to walk down here. There is also a good car park here and the trip may as well start here. This part of the trip can also be taken as part of the «Selandsrunden».
From Øyghedlar it goes steeply up the forest road which turns towards the top. Then there is a new path past Smihedlar and back to Bjønndalen slightly opposite where we start.
Rating: Medium
Length: 10.2 km (back and forth)
Increase: 367 m