Tour description: The start of the hike is marked with signs near the shepherd's cottage in Grydalen. Cross the river and head north up the valley behind the cabin. After about 20 minutes of climb, The terrain flattens out and you continue north along the stream. Then go up between mountain crevice before starting the moderate climb towards Kjeringstøldalen. In Kjeringstøldalen direction more northeast, up another mountain crevice. Towards the top, the terrain flattens out out and you turn left up over a mountain cliff so you get around the elongated pond east of Svartetjødn. Then continue in the same direction as before, past Solomonsknuten. Several places you have magnificent views of Sirdalsheiane! You are now crossing a plateau in the northeast. Here it's easy to walk, but when you start descending towards Grauthedlar, there's something more rough terrain. Grauthedlarhytten is beautifully situated next to the water Grauthedlarvatnet.
Starting point: The trip starts from Lyseveien, between Sirdal and Lysebotn. Parks at the shepherd's cottage in the bottom of Grydalen where the trail starts.
Rating: Medium
Length: 9.5 km
Increase: 463 m
Marking: DNT's red T symbols
Season: June to September
Duration: About 4 hours