The children were told to be careful when herding sheep at Røseknuten, especially in the dark and during thunderstorms. On the mountaintop you can find what looks like a giant footmark,which is called "Røsefoten". A troll is said to have stepped here. Furthermore, according to the tale, the troll was so tall that he had to sit down. On the spot where he sat, there is a second “imprint” from where the troll put own his sack. This area is Tveitemarka in Hunnedalen. The sack was checkered and had knots. These imprints can also be seen according to the tale.
Tour Description:
From the parking lot to Ålsheia Alpine you go up to the ski center. At the heating room, turn right over the bridge and continue on the road into Bekkedalen. At the end of Bekkedalen you turn left over the bridge towards Tjødnestøl. You see Stølstjødn on your right hand and continue on the way to the next bridge. Shortly after crossing the bridge, leave the road and turn left (south-west direction) between the cabins and go uphill. The path runs parallel to the left side of the creek upwards. You pass an marsh and a pond. The trail continues on a small hill, from where you can see Nyestøl and the ski slopes there. The path continues toward a height from which you can see Nyestøl and the lifts there. The path then continues up to the lifts and up the ski track in Bekkedalen.
Keep to the right when the path divides and then keep to the right of the ski-path there. Then cross the stream and follow the path on the right side of the creek. The path brings you to another ski lift called Koplingsheisen. Walk on the downside of the cabin there. When the terrain flattens after the lift, you will cross the creek called Nyestølbekken and then continue on the left side of this creek and follow this path to another height. You will be passing several ponds on the right side and then the terrain will become steeper. Go alongside the Gunnarshei for about 10 minutes. You can then go downward to the creek there and follow it, and zigzagging it. When you reach the elevation of 870 metres, the terrain will become more flat. You will make a left there and head towards the nearby power masts. Cross both lines of masts and go north of them. You will now see the pond of litla Røsetjødn on your left, and the lake of Valevatnet on your right. From here you head upwards in a southwestern direction for the last bit before you reach the top.
For a detailed description of the hike and maps of it, you can purchase the book Vandring i Sirdalsheiane. This is however in Norwegian.
Park your car in the parking lot at Ålsheia Alpine, the hike begins here.
Rating: Demanding
Length: 11.8 km (back and forth)
Increase: 506 m