Sirdal is a paradise for rock climbers offering a wide range of sports routes and some trad climbing. The most popular climbs are found in Hunnedalen, Sirekrok and Liland. Most areas are very easily accessible and within short distance from the road. When using Sirdal as a base it is also possible to make daytrips to Setesdal, Gloppedalen or Kjeragmassivet for climbing.
For further information and maps, see Bratte Rogalands Venner:
Ådneram climbing spot: Ådneram klatrefelt (
Sirekrok: About 50 routes from grade 6-9. Situated 2 kilometers from Ådneram on Fv986.
Lilandsdalen: 7 routes, grade 4-9. 8 km north of Tonstad, drive towards Liland. After about 5.6 kilometers you will find the climbing spot on the left side of the road.
Hunnedalen: Klatrefører for Hunnedalen -
Bouldering is also popular in Sirdal, with bouldering spots in Hunnedalen, Lysebotn and Gloppedalen near by. For more information concerning bouldering in the area see: