The idyllic «apple valley» (Epledal) is a recreational area with several facilities suitable for the whole family. It is located on the western side of Grønsfjorden about 5 km northeast of Korshamn. It is accessible by road or by sea.

Facilities: Stone wharf and parking with universal access. Large green area with a sandy beach, and several hiking trails. The sandy beach in Lindestø lies 250 m south of the area towards Kåveland. Benches and barbecue coal grills, shelter, toilet with universal access, and garbage disposal. Sandvolleyball court, sandpit and slide for the children.

It is possible to rent «Løa» ande the main house in Epledal.  Public toilet on the property, as well as a possibility for camping, two nights tenting is allowed in the Epledal area.

See external information in Norwegian abour rental of "Løa".

See external information in Norwegian abour rental of the main house in Epledal.
